Sup, iam Susan Deutscher, G’day, mate.

What Is A Failing Grade In Japan? [Solved]

4-scale universityGradeScaleGrade DescriptionS80.00 - 100.00優 (Very good)B70.00 - 79.99良 (Good)C60.00 - 69.99可 (Average, Pass)F0.00 - 59.99不可 (Fail)1 more row

What a “Grade R” means and why not all crashed cars are rated “R”…

A quick little talk about a poor looking Alfa Romeo GT with an incredible engine!

Teaching in the US vs. the rest of the world

Teachers in America have a uniquely tough job. But it doesn’t have to be that way. *Note: At 1:09, we misspelled “Sweden.

On the journey to meet the demands of a Japanese education

Since 2003, PBS has followed children from different countries as part of the documentary series “Time for School.” In this fourth …