Greetings, iam Tina Alfonso, I hope your day goes well.

What Happens If You Dont Finish Your Anki Cards? [Solved]

None. But just to clear up a possible misunderstanding: if you don’t do all of the allocation of new cards for a given day, they don’t accumulate. If you have the options set to give you 10 new cards/day and you fail to do those 10 cards today, then you will still only have 10 new cards to do tomorrow.16 Jun 2021

Too Many Anki Reviews? How to Clear an Overwhelming Backlog of Anki Flashcards


Here’s How You’re Definitely MISUSING Anki Flashcards (and How to Fix This)

Active recall and spaced repetition are definitely effective techniques

Why You Don’t Need to Do Anki Everyday!

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