Howdy, iam Edward Ortega, Have a pleasant day.

What Does The Number 42 Mean In The Bible? [Solved]

There are 42 generations (names) in the Gospel of Matthew’s version of the Genealogy of Jesus; it is prophesied that for 42 months the Beast will hold dominion over the Earth (Revelation 13:5); 42 men of Beth-azmaveth were counted in the census of men of Israel upon return from exile (Ezra 2:24); God sent bears to maul

The Number 42 I Spiritual Meaning and Importance in the Bible I Numerology (Meaning of Numbers)


“7 x 6 = ‘42’: The Number Signifying Christ’s ‘Coming’ or ‘Appearing’ in a Physical Body:-)!”

In this powerful video, John explains the significance of the

The Mystery of 42 is Solved - Numberphile